HIIT : What It Is And Why It’ll TRANSFORM Your Training

I used to be a slog away on the eliptical at a fairly average pace for a fairly long time kinda gal. But, let’s be honest now- ain’t no one got time for that!

Then I discovered HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training).  I realised hadn’t been challenging myself and that, actually, I was capable of more: more effective workouts, in half the time with double the results.

HIIT (In a Nutshell)

High Intensity Interval Training consists of short, intense bursts of give-it-your-all exercise followed by similar length periods of more moderate exercise or even total rest. For example, all-out burpees *shudder* for 30 seconds followed by 30 seconds of rest/recovery time, or 60 second sprints on the treadmill followed by 60 seconds of jogging aaaaand repeat!

In this way, you push your heart rate right up into the oh-my-goodness-when-will-it-stop?!? range,  that most of us rarely venture into otherwise.  Science-wise that’s the anaerobic zone: 80+% of your max. heart rate.

“Why the heck would I want to subject myself to that?! :o” I hear you cry… Well, glad you asked.

- shameless pun and melodramatic photo effects ;) -

– shameless pun and melodramatic photo effects 😉 –

1. It saves time! 

HIIT is perhaps the most efficient way of achieving your fitness goals.  No more slogging away at a moderate pace on that treadmill for mind-numbing lengths of time.  With HIIT training you can get a more effective workout in as little as 15 minutes, with far better results.  15-30 mins of serious HIIT training 3 times a week is all it takes maximise your progress!

2.  It increases your cardiovascular fitness- fast!

HIIT training really works that heart!  By training anaerobically, your cardiovascular capacity will improve vastly.  So while you’re a-puffin’ and a-pantin’ you can look forward to top-notch heart health, a lower resting heart rate (which is a great way to measure fitness levels), greater endurance and performance generally.  All good reasons to pump it up!

Please note: Always do what is safe for you according to your current fitness levels, no passing out, puking or flying off speeding treadmills! If you have any medical issues, especially heart problems, then this is likely not the form of training for you, always ask your doc. 🙂

3.  It minimises muscle loss. 

One of the pesky side effects of cardio exercise, particularly the moderate and time-consuming kind, is muscle loss.  Don’t despair!  Cardio of the HIIT variety allows you to preserve your hard earned muscle, burning fat stores instead. Win!

4.  It increases calorie burn both during and after your workouts.  

Not only will HIIT training burn up more calories during your session, it will also increase your metabolic rate for up to 48 hours afterwards!  The intense activity stimulates your body to produce more HGH (human growth hormone) which, in turn, revs up that metabolism.  This is called the afterburn effect-think of it as a bonus for having pushed yourself reeeal hard!

5.  It’ll make you feel like a boss! 😉

There’s a real feeling of accomplishment that comes with knowing you have genuinely challenged yourself.  Savour it-you earned it!

-But it’s Haaaard-

Ok I know… it may sound a tad gruelling. BUT- we’re talking about 30-60 second bursts interspersed with regular recovery(ish) periods.  What I like about HIIT training is that it allows me to push myself to and through my fitness limits.

Sprinting for 30 minutes?!? Not going to happen! But a 60 second sprint followed by 60 seconds of slow-moderate active rest for 15 minutes is the kind of end-in-sight, light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel training I can buy into!  Especially considering the far superior results and many benefits it’s going to bring!

Let me know how you get on in the comments!

P.s. Be sure to utilise a good motivational mantra from my last post: http://healthyhappystrong.org/2015/01/30/mastering-the-art-of-self-motivating-the-mantra/

…and a little caffeine fix half an hour beforehand works wonders too 🙂

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